Does my company need an auditor?

Does my company need an auditor?

Not all companies registered in South Africa need to appoint an auditor. According to Section 90 of The Companies Act, 71 of 2008, only a Public Company or a State-owned company is required to appoint an auditor. For these two classes of companies the appointment of...
Which legal entity for a profitable business?

Which legal entity for a profitable business?

You can operate your business using a:– Sole Proprietorship (that is trading in your private capacity)– Partnership (that is in your private capacity with other individuals in the private capacity)– Business Trust– Private Company ((Pty) Ltd – Company with limited...
Small business corporations and you

Small business corporations and you

Key points on SONA One of the key points he raised was South Africa’s Economy that has been under extreme strain these last couple of months due to mismanagement of resources, corruption and alleged state capture. Just to name a few. He is also a firm believer that...